Add Sabily and Islamic Software to Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

     How about Muslim user of Kubuntu 10.10? Do you like to have Sabily on your Kubuntu system? For the Islamic software maybe you can download it one by one and install it alone. But what about Sabily theme? And what about if you can install all of the Islamic software together by one command?
     I had do it on my system. Added Sabily to Kubuntu. I think we can't say it converting from Kubuntu to Sabily because it appearance and etc is still Kubuntu, just Sabily item had added to it and we need to customize it to become Sabily looks. We can't convert it to Sabily because it is not Gnome desktop management. I'm not yet study either we can install Gnome on Kubuntu. It sound silly.
     If you like to have Sabily and it Islamic software on your system, you can try by follow the step that I add in this article.

To make easy, just refer to screenshot that I take while doing it.

01. Open Terminal then run a command to add Sabily repository.
sudo add-apt-repository && sudo apt-get -q update

 02. Run command to get and install Sabily.
 sudo apt-get install sabily
 03. Enter "y" to continue.
 04. Select default display manager that you like. gdm for gnome or kdm for KDE. Actually there is no gnome. In this case should select kdm.
 05. Some information about Zekr software. Just ignore it by click on OK.
 06. Enter "n" for default.
 07. Finish installation. Close Terminal.
 08. Restart your system.
 09. Now you have package of Islamic software on your Kubuntu.
 10. We need to do some customization to make it appearance like Sabily.
 11. You can found Sabily default wallpaper at root/lib/plymouth/themes/sabily.

Interested to do it? Don't scared and just try it. Good luck for you InsyaAllah.


Add KDE to Sabily Al-Quds 10.10

     Normal Sabily is running on Gnome desktop environment. Maybe you like to try Sabily running on KDE. I tried it and now I can select to boot between Gnome and KDE.
     This time I learned to add it by using Synaptic Package Manager instead by using Terminal. I'm just use Kubuntu package since it base from Ubuntu. So no need to headache googling how to add KDE to Ubuntu. Please remember that you need about 500 MB extra space on your hard drive and more than 512 MB of RAM.
     Why need to use KDE instead of Gnome? So an answer is depend to you. For me, KDE give more nice appearance of desktop environment and more graphics effect.
     Maybe Gnome is enough for you, but I think Linux user are people who are already expert about Windows then they want to learn something different and new, so Linux give that opportunity to them. Only use Gnome won't give enough experience for me since there are many variety of desktop environment that I should try. So if your thinking are same like me, lets follow me add KDE to our Sabily.

Just follow from screenshot that I take.

1. Open your Synaptic Package Manager.
2. Search for kubuntu-desktop.
3. Right click and mark on Mark for Installation.
4. Click on Mark.
5. Apply.
6. Apply.
7. Download the package.
8. Here you can select either want to start from KDE or Gnome. I leave at "kdm" for KDE.
9. Completed. Click on Close.
10. Box change to green mean already installed the package.
11. Here some screenshot after start from KDE.

12. After change theme and wallpaper to looks real Sabily and I call it Ksabily.
Hopefully soon in the next release of Sabily we will have Ksabily follow with it. To realize it we need support and contributor from many volunteer and maybe you one of them.


Sabily Sharing Service

Sabily had announce their new service which is Sabily Sharing Service. You can find it at . There you can share your private files up to 100MB with your friend with automatic virus scanner.
Soon there will be to provide public files hosting, with rating & comments features, search engine, moderation (eg, to disallow haram pictures) etc., 
So if you want to share your file with your friend in a safe and proper server (not mix with haram contents), you should use Sabily Sharing Service, InsyaAllah.

Here some screenshot of it.

Lets share our data with our friend at

Eid Mubarak Wish From linuxsabily.blogspot

linuxsabily.blogspot team like to wish Eid Mubarak to all visitors. Thanks a lot for your support to this blog.


Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat to Sabily 10.10 Al-Quds

     Did you try to convert from Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat to Sabily 10.10 Al-Quds? Maybe you already installed Ubuntu while waiting for Sabily Al-Quds release. Then you want to convert it to Sabily cause many of your data had been keep on the Ubuntu partition itself. Or you had feeling to change to Sabily. I had try it for you. Converting from Ubuntu to Sabily. Hopefully it can guide you through how to convert your Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat to Sabily Al-Quds. Lets see and try from my experience.

01. First of all you must update your Ubuntu from Update Manager.

02. Make sure your Ubuntu is already up to date.
03. To start convert you have to add Sabily repository by run command that you can see on the picture.
04. You can confirm it  already add by open Update Manager on the Other Software menu.
05. Then run command that you can see on the picture.
06. Key in "y" and Enter.
07. Conversion starts. Just wait until finish. Maybe some information will appeared while convert that need you to make an option.
08. This information appeared on my PC while conversion. It about Zekr software. Just click OK.
09. Just click No or Yes.
10. Conversion finished.
11. As normal we have to restart our system in order to see the new appearance to Sabily Al-Quds.
12. It already converted.
13. Islamic software is not fully installed. Maybe something that not update on the repository.
14. To fully look to Sabily Al-Quds we need to change it background and theme manually. Right click and select Change Desktop Background.
15. Locate Sabily Al-Quds wallpaper as you can see on the picture.
16. Lastly, select Theme to HumanMe.

Now you had convert your Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat to Sabily 10.10 Al-Quds appearance also some software and applications.


Sabily at Rank 20 on Distrowatch

     Congratulation once again to all Sabily team members and supporters for the placed of Sabily in the top 20 rank on the Distrowatch. In Distrowatch we can found what is the most top distro that are used in the world. So in the last seven days, Sabily reach the highest rank of it since I'm using it before. Hopefully it will increase to the top 10 for next few days, Insya'Allah.

Screenshot of Sabily at rank no 20


New Official Sabily Homepage

    Congratulations to all Sabily team members for their new appearance and layout of an official homepage launched few days ago.  New layout looks modern and beautiful with new colors and texts. You can see it at
Here some screenshots of it.

01. HOME
Here is the main page of the Sabily Official homepage. Any new information will be added here.
02. SABILY - Everything you need
On this menu you can get sub menu for Installation,  Contents, Screenshots and Download.
03. COMMUNITY - Get Involved
Here you can get sub menu for Forum, Spread Sabily, Launchpad, Chat with us, Contact us and  Guestbook
04. BLOG
This is new added menu on the homepage and still under constructions.
On the web is page that add any website and blog that talk about Sabily on their site. Thanks for them for spreading the word about Sabily.
This also new added page that talking about Islam since Sabily is an Islamic operating system. You can get sub menu for Hijri Date Converter, Holy Quran and Hadith Of The Day.

     That's a little info about the homepage that I browse. Lets spread this information to all of our acquaintance, family and friends.
