Sabily 11.04 Badr Released

Alhamdulillah, finally on the target date, Sabily 11.04 Badr had been released by Mr. Mehdi. Thanks a lot the all Sabily team members for their hardwork to make it release on schedule. Anyway for the first it only have Small version. Soon they will upload for Full and Ultimate version. Small version about 1GB of size. Full 2GB and Ultimate 4GB. Here some information from Sabily homepage about the released.

What's new:
- New "Badr" pictures and wallpapers, new plymouth and GDM themes
- unity and unity 2D available on the DVD, but ubuntu classic (gnome 2) set by default
- new Firefox persona

New applications:
- islamic-date: extension for the Iceweasel/Firefox web browser that displays Hijri date
- zakat-calc: Sabily Zakat provides zakat calculations for Muslims
- gufw: easy to use Ubuntu Firefwall
- desktopnova (replacing wallpaper-tray)
- autoKey: to avoid typing frequently encountered words
- recordmydesktop: record desktop sessions to a video file (Ogg-Theora-Vorbis file)
- anki: extensible flashcard learning program

New from Ubuntu 11.04:
- Unity desktop
- Firefox 4
- LibreOffice (replacing OpenOffice)
- Banshee (replacing Rhythmbox)
- Linux Kernel 2.6.38 (with the "wonder 200 lines" patch now included by default)

And still "nanny", parental web control application
"Gnome Nanny is an easy way to control what your kids are doing in the computer. You can limit how much time a day each one of them is browsing the web, chatting or doing email. You can also decide at which times of the day the can do this things. Gnome Nanny filters what web pages are seen by each user, so you can block all undesirable webs and have your kids enjoy the internet with ease of mind, no more worries!" (from nanny's website)

So you can download it from Sabily homepage
Happy download..


  1. Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatulloh Wabarokatuh

    Akhi upload cara konversi ubuntu 11.04 ke sabily 11.04

    Jazakumulloh khoir

  2. Waalaikomussalam Warohmatullohitaala HiWabarokatuh
    Insya'Allah akan saya upload experiencenya nanti...

  3. Assalamualaikum

    Saya sudah pakai versi 10.10, sebelumnya pernah saya coba upgrade ke ubuntu 11.04 saat ubuntu versi tersebut baru saja dirilis tapi gagal.

    Bisakah anda posting bagaimana cara yang benar utk upgrade sabily 10.10 ke versi 11.04

    Terima Kasih

  4. see the link at your right side

  5. kenapa sabily 10.10 di laptop saya kok gak da suara ya

  6. bisa diadjust volumenya atau gak?.. Systems/Sound...

  7. Salam

    Where is the release date of Sabily 11.10

    Allah Hafiz

  8. Waalaikommusalam,
    Now they work for Beta version. Will be release as soon as possible.

  9. Salaam 3alaykoum wa RahmatouLLAAHI wa Barakaatouhoû.

    Is this project stopped at 11.10 or it will have In CHAA ALLAAHOU other releases in the future?

    Choukraan kashiiraan, Wa 3alaykoum salaam.

  10. hi, Anyone know if in 2020 we have an Islamic Linux OS ? Or it's not for this year, because a lot of islamic software on Linux is not update, or discontinued. Like Minbar or other software, because I cannot install on Ubuntu 20.04 . Thank you !
