Sabily 10.04 Manarat - Beta

Sabily 10.04 Manarat Beta already released by Mr. J Mehdi yesterday. I downloaded and installed it in my Sabily 9.10 Gaza Virtualbox. Since it only Beta version, I think they not included many changing from Gaza version. As I see, there is only GRUB image and default wallpaper is new and some unused software had been removed. Anyway I'm still browsing it and will try to test it from now. Here some of the screenshot that I take from my desktop.

Start Sabily 10.04 Manarat from ISO file.

New image for Sabily 10.04 Manarat.

Installation completed on Virtualbox.

Default theme for Sabily 10.04 Manarat.

If you have an opportunity to download and test it, please do it and report for any bug that you found or just give any comment about it. You can download it from this link, .



  1. saya dah install sabily manarat ni kt netbuk saya tp saya nak tanya knp xleh nk connect wifi..wifi blh detect tp xleh connect...
    klu saya guna ubuntu netbuk edition xde mslh pun
    hrp dpt membantu

  2. Salam, biasanya kita tidak akan mengginstalkan Beta version ke sistem. Beta version hanya untuk testing sahaja...
    Harap bersabar untuk menunggu full version.
    Untuk penyelesaian cuba update menggunakan update manager...

  3. ok2..trma akan sabar menunggu...sabily ni tlh menarik minat bbrp rakan saya..
    hidup sabily...
    smoga rkn2 sy juga mengikut sabily..

  4. Buat sementara kamu blh cuba Sabily Gaza... stabil..
    terima kasih juga kerana menyokong Sabily... sila kembangkannya kepada rakan taulan...
